When you assess your business’s IT services, do you consider break/fix vs. managed services? The managed services model is quickly replacing the break/fix model, and for good reason. Here’s why businesses are adopting managed services and decreasing their reliance on the break/fix model.
Managed IT Services vs. Break/Fix IT Services
Most companies use the break/fix IT support model, which is when a business uses its IT solutions provider as needed instead of consistently. While this is useful in some situations, the managed services model has several advantages over it, which is why you should consider switching from break/fix to managed services.
The problem with only fixing IT problems during a breakdown is that the major breakdown-causing problems most likely started out as small problems. An MSP could have detected those small problems early on and solved them before they grew large enough to cause a network breakdown. When you use managed services, you collaborate with your MSP to solve IT problems and improve your information technology infrastructure in ways that anticipate your business’s future growth.
Proactive Vs. Reactive Maintenance
The break/fix model is an example of reactive maintenance. With reactive maintenance, you let small problems build up until a significant disaster occurs. Then you react to that disaster by contacting IT support companies and paying high fees for large repair projects.
A managed services model is an example of proactive maintenance. With proactive maintenance, you monitor your network and fix small, short-term problems before they grow into or contribute to large disasters. When you enter into a managed services contract with a managed service provider (MSP), you pay a monthly fee for 24/7 monitoring and maintenance services, so the MSP is always watching for and tackling any IT problems that arise.
Planning It Expenses
When you use a break/fix model, you’re always paying for repairs, but you never know how much they will cost. It’s hard to create an IT budget if you can’t estimate how much you’ll spend. When you partner with an MSP, you pay regular fees for services. You may pay a monthly fee, but some MSPs may also charge by device.
No matter which pricing model your MSP uses, you can budget for specific IT maintenance services that occur throughout the year. For instance, at Reverus, we offer our managed service customers 24/7 network monitoring, data backups, IT project management, and remote support and consulting services. This vast array of services can help you meet your business’s needs at prices you can plan for and opens up new monthly expense avenues. Many project plans revolve around estimated expenses, so using an MSP is an efficient way to cut back on your overall budget constraints.
How Is The Managed Services Model Structured?
When you partner with a managed service provider, you enter into a contract to pay a monthly fee for their services. Your MSP should provide you with a service level agreement (SLA) that outlines which services they’ll provide each month. Some MSPs, however, offer preset service packages that standardize their offerings for all their clients. That’s not what you want or need from a managed service provider.
Look for a managed service provider that customizes their services to meet each client’s needs. At Reverus, we make sure we provide only the services that each client needs to achieve their business goals and improve their operations. Partnering with this type of MSP ensures you’ll get the right services for your MSP’s monthly costs.
IT Strategic Planning and More
At Reverus, we provide customizable service bundles for our clients so each has a solution that matches their specific needs. One client may want data backups and server virtualization, while another may need 24/7 monitoring and IT project management. Your MSP should give you the IT services your business needs to achieve success.
Break/fix works by giving you the solutions you need, exactly when you need them, but that leaves the details such as monitoring up to your business. With an MSP, you have customer service and ongoing support that dedicates itself to your business model. This way, you have continual updates and problem prevention to save you money.
Disaster strikes when you least expect it. Following the break/fix service model means you open up your small business to data loss and extra downtime when your systems go down. Then you can face lost profits and customer dissatisfaction.
An MSP can offer you data backup and disaster recovery/business continuity planning services that reduce your downtime and help you keep your customers satisfied. The more you prepare for disaster, the less you’ll have to worry when it strikes, and you’ll be that much closer to getting back to full strength so you can serve your customers.
What Types of Business Benefit Most From Managed Services?
Businesses of all sizes benefit from managed services, but small businesses can benefit from them the most. Why? Small businesses often have much smaller in-house IT teams than large enterprises and medium-sized businesses do, so they may not have as many IT processes and protocols in place.
An MSP can come in and help small business owners and members develop their IT processes and improve their network infrastructure. They can provide the managed IT services, cloud services, and everything as a service (XaaS) solutions that your business needs to run smoothly. These services keep your business from developing major problems, and they allow you to implement new processes that improve your core business functions.
Managed Services for Your Business
Reverus offers your business customized and reliable managed IT services. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your business’s IT operations. Whether you need cloud computing support or want your managed IT to help you gain positive cash flow, our expert managed IT services help you achieve your goals and save you money.