You may have heard about both managed service providers (MSPs) and IT outsourcing companies, but what exactly do these companies do? Are there any differences between these two types of IT companies? While they are similar to each other, there are significant differences between managed services and outsourced IT services. When you understand these differences, you can choose the service type that best fits your business’s IT needs.
Defining Managed Services and Outsourced IT Services
IT outsourcing is when you send all your IT tasks to an outside company, so they take care of everything. This type of outsourcing service takes the burden of IT management off you and your staff, but you often don’t have control over IT decisions when you outsource IT services. Managed IT services also involve an IT company coming in and performing your IT tasks for you. But instead of taking it away from your business, a managed service provider integrates their services with your day-to-day operations. Also, outsourcing companies usually offer IT services that focus on keeping your network running smoothly. MSPs, on the other hand, keep your network running smoothly while also offering a wider range of services to improve your network and help you plan for your IT infrastructure’s future.
What Additional Services Do MSPS Offer?
An MSP maintains your network and keeps it from breaking down, but they also offer services that protect your network and plan for its future. For example, Reverus provides cyber security services, including security awareness training. This training prepares your workforce to detect and report phishing emails and other cyber threats because all the cyber security measures in the world can’t hold up against human error. If your employees learn about the cyber threats they should watch for, they can prevent cyber attacks and keep your network safe. MSPs offer this type of service because you need more than just maintenance to keep your network running well. When you partner with an MSP, you receive a combination of maintenance, cyber security, and IT consulting services that give your IT network and infrastructure the support they need to operate at peak performance levels.
Do MSPS Make You Give Up Your In-House It Staff?
Not necessarily. When you partner with an MSP, ask them if they offer hybrid managed services. Hybrid managed services allow you to keep your in-house IT staff and have them collaborate with your MSP. This option allows you to keep your current IT staff while integrating managed services that improve your network infrastructure and operations. Depending on your business structure and processes, this hybrid service offering can help you reduce costs in the long term, since your in-house staff can adopt processes that your managed service provider offers and introduces.
Reach out to us today to learn more about the differences between outsourcing and managed services, and which type of IT support fits your business.
How to Choose Between IT Outsourcing and Managed Services
If you want to choose between information technology outsourcing and managed services, you need to understand the pros and cons of both options. An outsourcing model allows you to put the total burden of IT maintenance and upgrades on an outsourcing vendor. However, you won’t have the opportunities to improve your network in the long run like you would with a managed service provider. On the other hand, an MSP offers more comprehensive services, but you have to prepare yourself for regular communications with them if you want to improve your IT infrastructure with those services. Working with an MSP requires more planning, decision making, and communication than outsourcing your IT does. But it can help you grow your network and your business more effectively.
Improve Your Network With Reverus’s Managed IT Services in Charlotte
Over the years, Reverus has provided managed IT services to businesses of all sizes. We have the resources and experience to customize our services and deliver the solutions your network needs. Reach out to us today to discover all our managed IT services and solutions and learn which one best meets your business needs. We can provide all the managed services you need and customize them to fit your specific IT infrastructure. Trust us to manage your IT network effectively and efficiently.